3. Educational Loan (Educ-Loan) *
Primarily designed to offer opportunities to the clients in supporting their children and relatives by helping them through provision of affordable educational loan assistance. CARD Myanmar COMPANY LIMITED aims towards achieving "One Family One Graduate".
4. Agricultural Loan (Agri-Loan) *
This loan is granted to finance agricultural production and related activities such as acquisition of farm equipment and machinery, establishment and operation of poultry and farming, livestock, fishery products, crops, fruits and vegetables production, seedlings and ornamental plants production.

This service aims to empower the marginalized sector in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, especially economically challenged women and their families who have no access to the formal services of banks or other financial institutions:
1. Regular Business Loan (RBL)
2. Small Business Loan (SBL)
This loan is primarily for working and project capital of clients that can generate weekly income.
Small Business Loan (SBL) is developed with a view to assist the small and medium entrepreneurs and support the micro enterprise of both village and ward areas. Small Business Loan (SBL) has a direct impact on employment creation and the production process.
1. Compulsory Savings
2. Voluntary Savings *
Savings collection shall be done only to microfinance clients. Collection should not exceed at 5% of the client’s loan size. The interest rate shall be not less than 15% per annum.
Savings collection shall be done only to microfinance clients. Collection should not be higher than the required solvency ratio. The interest rate shall be not less than 10% per annum.
An MFI who is not registered as deposit taking MFI and are not able to comply all requirements set in the MSC issued Notification No. 4/2016 dated 26 August 2016 is not allowed to collect Voluntary Savings from its microfinance clients.
* with on-going license application